Tuesday, October 23, 2012


FALL 2012

1. Describe and interpret the photograph on the screen. Refer first to the image itself and then explain its
relationship with the caption and the news article. Use the following terminology: icon, index, symbol, denotation, connotation, sign, signifier, signified, signification. One full page. (25 points)

Extra credit: Apply the terms “anchorage” and “myth” as used by Roland Barthes. (Three possible points)

2. Magic bullet theory/theory of limited effects—two pages. Choose A or B.
A)How was the magic bullet theory disproven through communications research? Discuss the validity of the theory of limited effects. Use evidence from the following studies: The Invasion from Mars (War of the Worlds), Experiments with Film (Why We Fight) , The People’s Choice (Erie County), and the Personal Influence (Decatur) study.
B) Focus on one of the following studies--The Invasion from Mars, Experiments with Film, and the Personal Influence study—and argue how it disproves the magic bullet theory and supports the theory of limited effects.
(25 points)

3. Define four of the following groups of terms in a paragraph of more than four sentences. Give examples not used in class or in class notes. (7.5 points each)
I                       paradigm/syntagm
II                      synecdoche/metonymy
III                        irony/trope
IV                         linguistic value/onomatopoeia
V             deictic/demonstrative
VI            locution, illocution, perlocution

4. What does Saussure mean by “the arbitrary nature of the sign”? Why is this aspect of the sign so essential to semiotics? Answer in two paragraphs. (20 points)

Extra credit: Why do Roman Jakobson and Emile Benveniste argue that the word “I” is an indexical symbol? Why do they use the term “shifter” to describe the pronouns “I” and “You”?  Answer in two paragraphs. (3 points)

Extra extra credit: Explain Roland Barthes’s argument in “The Photographic Message.” (3 points)

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